Thursday, January 29, 2009

NCFA and comedy relief...

I think doing this adoption process with two little ones already running around makes things a bit more challenging, and sometimes more amusing... I'm sitting here right now registering for our NCFA training. It fulfills 8 of the 10 required Hague hours for parent training. My 1 year old is running around the room (ok, waddling might be more accurate) pushing a doll stroller and wanted to be picked up. So I set her on my lap and she went straight for my credit card. Sure, anything works as a baby toy and she can't do too much damage to that. Then of course, she wanted to get down. Always a bit distracted, I put her down, credit card in her hand. Then my 2 year old had a tantrum over not wanting to get dressed and preferring to run around in the cold naked. So, after getting a bathrobe on her I settled down to finish the registration process. Hmmm, my credit card. Oh, the baby. By this time she was happily moving on to something else. I eventually tracked down the credit card: in the tent full of plastic balls. Yea!

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