Saturday, January 17, 2009

Everything requested!

Our paper chase might be almost over!
My mom went down to the courthouse in CA and picked up certified copies of my birth certificate and marriage certificate. I went online and ordered a certified copy of my husband's Maine birth certificate Kind of creepy how much info can be pulled up in seconds. In order to verify his identity they had a series of multiple choice questions. What residence do you own? (with a list of addresses, including our condo) Who did you purchase this residence from? (the name of the seller! plus other names) We got a bit stumped when it asked what city he has not lived in. He had lived in all of them but 2. Hmmm... Finally I remembered that the address of our condo manager was listed on our credit report since we had stuff sent to her when we first moved overseas.
I mailed in our FBI fingerprints and our CA fingerprints. My inlaws will be visiting us in in about 4 weeks, bringing with them everything that has been received (we're having most stuff sent to our US post office box). We'll see.
Now we're working on the homestudy survey so we can fly our HS guy out soon to do the HS for us. 32 pages of questions! Everything from "what is your name" to "what kind of discipline did your parents use". Yikes!

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