Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Just some paperwork updates...

So, apparently the woman who did our homestudy didn't finalize our homestudy before she went on vacation 3 weeks ago. She said it was done but we never got it. Finally today, she is back and sent my agency and e-mail saying "still waiting for your approval before I finalize the homestudy". Ugh. Our agency sent back a message of "we sent the approval weeks ago, just waiting for your homestudy." Ugh again. Oh well. I suppose the homestudy might be in the mail sometime this week, so I guess I had better get off my butt and make sure my sis-in-law has everything she needs to finish this paperwork off.

Good news, we got all our California Chinese Consulate authentications!

Once we get USCIS approval, we'll get all that notarized and authenticated and we'll be done!

Then we have to track down all the $$ for the final payments. Fun, fun.

Almost there!

By the way, my conclusion about moving to Toronto is about the same as starting the adoption process while living in Doha. We will have to make decisions based on imperfect information. So, at this point, we won't be able to find out everything we need to know to make the right decision. So far, doing it while in Doha has been difficult, but not impossible. We'll move forward and see what happens.

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